The SESAME Software Project

Sesame has recently been merged into the Daedalus project. Find the most recent information and source files on the Daedalus homepage

SESAME is a project of the University of Amsterdam, Department of Computer Science, Computer Systems Architecture Group under the supervision of Andy Pimentel. The SESAME environment provides modeling and simulation methods and tools for the efficient design space exploration of heterogeneous embedded multimedia systems.

SESAME is part of the Daedalus framework, which provides a single environment for rapid system-level architectural exploration, high-level synthesis, programming and prototyping of multimedia MP-SoC architectures. The easiest way to install SESAME is to download the SESAME installer from the Daedalus website.

Modern embedded systems, like those for media and signal processing, increasingly have a heterogeneous system architecture consisting of components in the range from fully programmable processor cores to dedicated hardware components. These systems often provide a high degree of programmability as they need to target a range of applications with varying demands. Such characteristics greatly complicate the system design, making it more important to have good tools available for exploring different design choices at early design stages.

In the context of the Artemis project, we have developed an architecture workbench which provides modeling and simulation methods and tools for efficient design space exploration of heterogeneous embedded multimedia systems. This workbench allows for rapid performance evaluation of different architecture designs, application to architecture mappings, and hardware/software partitionings at multiple levels of abstraction and for a wide range of multimedia applications.

The SESAME software project currently consists of an architecture simulator (YMLPearl), an application simulator (PNRunner) and the Y-CHART modeling language (YML) which glues the simulation model descriptions together. Creating SESAME projects can be coordinated through our integrated development environment, the YMLEditor.

A clickable overview of the SESAME software system is provided below: